Production-assembly problem with parallel machines in three steps and in distributed factories

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran



 Distributed factories represent a type of manufacturing system in which production is spread out
across multiple geographically dispersed locations. This approach offers several advantages, including
reduced transportation costs, improved responsiveness to customer demand, increased flexibility and
enhanced supply chain resilience. The production-assembly flow shop problem with three stages is a
scheduling problem focused on optimizing the sequence of jobs to be processed on a set of machines. In this
problem, the first and third stages involve dedicated parallel machines, meaning that each job is assigned to
a specific machine and cannot be processed on any other. The second stage consists of identical parallel
machines, where all machines are functionally equivalent and capable of processing any job. A model is
presented for minimizing total tardiness times. Since the problem under investigation is NP-hard, solving it
exactly is either impossible or highly time-consuming (depending on the processor's capability) for large
instances. Consequently, the Hybrid Biogeography-Based Optimization Dominance Rules (HBBO) algorithm
is proposed to address the problem in larger instances. This algorithm is an enhanced version of the
Biogeography-Based Optimization (BBO) algorithm, incorporating dominance rules. The Taguchi method
has been employed to determine appropriate parameter values. The results obtained from the model and
algorithm demonstrate the algorithm’s acceptable efficiency and the inclusion of dominance rules has further
improved the outcomes.


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