Publication Ethics

Journal of Quality Engineering and Production Optimization Policies and Publication Ethics

This section provides guidance on publication ethics. The aim is to provide basic standards of expected ethical behavior for all parties involved in the act of publishing.


Articles should be prepared according to the JQEPO template. Articles not complying with the template will not be considered for review process.

Duplicated Publication

Articles published in other journals are not considered for publication in JQEPO. Duplication, fabrication and plagiarism are prohibited. Articles received are checked for plagiarism (including self-plagiarism). Articles already published in a conference, if enhanced considerably, can be considered for the usual journal review process. It is expected that during the review process, authors of submitted articles to JQEPO would not submit the same paper to other journals.


The authors of the article should be involved in either contributing to the conception / design / acquisition and or analysis of data.

If someone has not provided any of the above contribution, his/her name should not be added to the list of authors. However such persons can be acknowledged for their help at the end of the article. Any material taken from other sources (including author’s own published writing) should be clearly cited in the article.

Conflicts of Interest

When an author or the institution of the author has a relationship, financial or otherwise, with individuals or organizations that could influence the author’s work inappropriately, a conflict of interest may exist. Authors should provide any such affiliations that could be considered to pose conflicts of interest regarding the submitted article.

Peer Review Process

All articles are peer-reviewed by at least 2 anonymous reviewers selected by the editors. Selected reviewers are not supposed to be involved in the submitted works.

The acceptance criteria for all articles are based on the quality and originality of the research work. Initial review process can take 4-6 weeks, following which the reviewer’s comments along with Editor-in-chief’s decision to accept, reject, or request revision of the article will be sent to the corresponding author. For articles that need revision, the authors are recommended to submit the revised article within 2-4 weeks. Following this the revised article will be sent for reviewers. Rejected article will not be peer-reviewed again.


Copyrights of all published articles are owned by the JQEPO. Contents of the article, partially or fully, must not be published elsewhere without written permission from JQEPO . The corresponding author must sign the “Copyright Transfer Agreement” and submit at the time of article submission.

 It should be noted that the JCE complies with  the Committee on Publication Ethics's (COPE) laws.