Applying Grey E-S-QUAL Model to Evaluate the Gaps between Expectation and Perception of the Customer Based on E-services Quality: A Case Study of an Iranian Online Retailer

Document Type : Research Paper


1 shahrood university

2 MSc Student of MBA, Shahrood university of technology


This study aims to apply Grey system based on modified E-S-Qual model to analyze e-service quality.Questionnaires on the basis of E-S-Qual model, which consisted in 7 dimensions, were distributed among customers of, an online retailer in Iran. 251 questionnaires were obtainedfrom the customer’s website. After applying the method and calculating the scores in each dimension, the gap between expectations and perceptions was calculated. The results show that, among 7 dimensions, there are 4 positive and 3 negative gaps.Accordingly,with the aid of the Importance-Performance Matrix, the results are further analyzed. At the end of this study, some suggestions are made for improving quality of the e-services based on results analysis


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