Designing a Mathematical Model for Two-Echelon Allocation-Routing Problem by Applying the Route and Transport Fleet Conditions

Document Type : CFP- Metaheuristic Algorithms and Applications to Production and Service Systems


1 Department of Industrial Engineering, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Industrial Engineering, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University,Tehran, Iran

3 Faculty of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran



A novel mixed integer non-linear mathematical model is presented in this paper for the two-echelon allocation-routing problem by applying the conditions of the route and the transportation fleet in the conditions of uncertainty. The cost of allocating drivers to non-homogeneous vehicles is calculated in this model based on the type of the vehicle, the worn-out (life) of the car, the experience of the driver, and different degrees of hardness are defined for various routes. i.e., the cost of passing the route is defined based on an initial fixed cost and the degree of hardness of the route. Also, the reliability of the routes in each section is defined as an objective in the second echelon of the model aimed at enhancing the reliability rate. Two metaheuristic NSGAII and MOPSO algorithms are utilized to solve the model. Then, their performance rates in problems with different sized are statistically evaluated and compared by different indices following adjusting their parameters by Taguchi's method, through which results indicated the high efficiency of the model. A sensitivity analysis is ultimately performed on the results obtained from the solution, and some suggestions are made for the development of the model.
