Data management in upstream industries and supply chain and value chain: A collection of theories in the oil and gas industry

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Fouman Faculty of Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Tehran, Fouman, Iran

2 Department of Petroleum Engineering, Faculty of Petroleum, Gas, and Petrochemical Engineering, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr, Iran

3 MSc in Chemical Engineering, Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

4 Fouman Faculty of Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Tehran



 The present paper explains the qualitative reasons for the importance of data management in
upstream oil and gas. It also provides small and concrete examples in which data management can effectively
increase value creation in this sector. From another perspective, the rapid evolution of supply chain
management as a subset of operations management shows that companies no longer compete in the value
chain. The role of data management in drilling as an essential member of the supply chain and refining as the
most important common member in the supply chain and value chain, along with the application of datadriven economics and management knowledge, have been investigated in this study. The results showed that
in addition to the need of upstream and downstream parts of the oil industry for data collection and analysis,
the collected data must meet these conditions: it must be collected at the right time, the appropriate field for
data collection must be selected, enough volume of data must be collected, data collection must have suitable
collection velocity and finally, the data needs to be updated. In this way, the company can provide the
necessary grounds to obtain reliable results.


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