Developing Statistical Process Control to Monitor the Values Education Process

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. student, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 Iran University of Science and Technology

3 Faculty of Psychology & Educational Sciences – Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran



Statistical process control (SPC) is a leading method in monitoring process performance and detecting process deviations from goals, and measure progress in improving programs. Despite the widespread use of SPC in various processes, its capability has not yet been well studied in the values education process (VEP). Some challenges in using this method were: the lack of appropriate quantitative data for using in the SPC, invalid and untrusted data, the presence of different values that make it difficult to focus on values education, and choosing the proper process characteristic and control charts associated with it. In this paper, a framework is presented to resolve these challenges includes: extracting the quantitative data related to the values using event count items and check sheet, removing invalid data and its sources from the research process through statistical tests, prioritizing values based on four attributes related to values, and finally, measuring the value changes in students as Process characteristic. We used a modified deviation from the nominal (DNOM ) control chart to identify and analyze the VEP changes. The results of a case study at a school were quite promising. It increased team knowledge, helped decision-makers design and improved the VEP, and developed the SPC method capability in a new area.


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